If there is one aspect of this wedding that has so far caused me the most stress, it has to be the colour scheme and the flowers. Don’t ask me why. The only rationalisation that I have been able to come up with is that I am just too damned indecisive and there is just simply too much choice. Either that or I have no taste what-so-ever. Even bridal magazines and Google images haven’t been able to help me on this one. If anything, they have just confused me more. All I knew initially was that I wanted a big splash of colour to lift the whiteness of our huge traditional marquee.
So where does one start when trying to make these kinds of decisions? Going with your favourite colours should work for most, but I like red and purple, and they are not always great friends. In my flower and colour scheme naivety (I had a lime green and dark blue bedroom as a teenage, which says it all really), I thought I would put the two together. Hmmm. It was a very good idea in theory and I had found some great flower arrangements on Google images which I flashed in front of sceptics faces – there were a fair few sceptics – I knew it was what I wanted.
Actually getting further than the pictures I liked was tricky. Finding other aspects of the wedding to match the shades of red and purple I liked was a lost cause. It wasn’t so much the purple that was the issue but could I find a red that wasn’t a scarlet red or burgundy red? I stood in a fabric shop for well over half an hour, staring at the shades of red and trying to find once that didn’t clash with the purple I liked and was not scarlet or burgundy. I was only looking for fabric for my bunting, a task I thought would be easy and fun. I think the shop assistants thought I was rather strange as my behaviour probably looked mildly crazed. My heavily furrowed brow and huffing and puffing out of sheer frustration would have had me avoiding me. So I went home empty handed and feeling more than a little annoyed.
‘Why not just have the purple?’ suggested a friend gently, as we were sitting drinking coffee in the staff room at school one day (which is not all that teachers do by the way!) Then it hit me like a lightning bolt. It was so obvious, why didn’t I think of that? I had been so stupid. Purple. Yes. I could still have variation if I chose different shades and incorporated it with ivory. I realise it is not everyone’s choice, but I’m not brave enough to go with what seems to be the trend at the moment and have all the colours in one go. Google images came into its own after that as I found reams of pictures which reflected the ideas I now had in my head. The rest after that would be easy, surely?
Not when you can’t decide what to put your flowers in. I have probably completely over thought this, but as every bride knows, you just want everything to be perfect. I at one point thought I wanted vintage vases and have different ones for each centre piece. I even started frantically buying them from Ebay. I had a sinking feeling as each vase I’d successfully won arrived through the post that the idea just wasn’t right. When I confessed this notion to my mother, she said she thought the idea was fairly obscure and didn’t think it would work. I hate it when mothers are right! I have even been back and forth over tall glass flute vases and fish bowl vases. Now I am at glass cube vases. I still can’t bring myself to order them and time is now running out. I am hoping that some twist of fate will make that decision for me, but as that is highly unlikely, I guess I’ll probably go with the…. ARGH! Where is a Magic Eight Ball when you need one?!